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Search results

  1. RandyS

    Uber won't have Cybercab Robotaxis available says Uber CEO

    Yes, those type of things definitely have happened and probably will happen to the Cybercabs. Hopefully, the car will stop driving and send a message to the owner ASAP when visibility is reduced so it can be cleaned or retrieved. I wish I could be a beta tester with Tesla on their app and...
  2. RandyS

    Uber won't have Cybercab Robotaxis available says Uber CEO

    Yes, it was 1:00 am, so a little higher-priced. But, as you can see, it is divided roughly into thirds: One third for insurance, one third for Uber and one third for the driver (me). I happen to drive a Model 3 and have solar at home as well as a cheaper 12 cent super off peak charging price...
  3. RandyS

    Uber won't have Cybercab Robotaxis available says Uber CEO

    There may be, but much like vandals find out about the sentry mode cam footage later, I think word will get around that the cameras are always watching...If the Cybercab does something wrong and damages another vehicle, then the claim is valid. But if people think they can do some sort of...
  4. RandyS

    Uber won't have Cybercab Robotaxis available says Uber CEO

    I have a lot of stories about Uber. I started driving for them part time to educate myself about ridesharing in advance of the Cybercab coming out because I want to own some cabs and put them out on the street. So many things to say about why I think Uber's business model is precarious, but...
  5. RandyS

    Robotaxi / rideshare service code appears in Tesla mobile app!

    Interesting to ask for cleanliness feedback...If I'm going to put my Cybercab out on the road (with an approximate 200 mile range doing mostly city trips with an occasional short freeway trip), the cleanliness at the beginning of the charge cycle will obviously be better than at the end when 20...
  6. RandyS

    Painted tire sidewall are now rubber inserts (hopefully swappable for color changes)

    They still haven't convinced me that staggered tires are better overall for the Cybercab. I want to be able to rotate my tires to get the max mileage out of a set. The aero benefits of those staggered tires (at least to me) don't make up for that.
  7. RandyS

    Video showing Cybercab being loaded into the Petersen Auto Museum in LA

    With a person in the driver's seat... Posted by Petersen Museum:
  8. RandyS

    Video: Cybercab engineer talks design, features, new "Unboxed" production process

    Honestly, my comment about Henry Ford was really related to how far we've come in 100 years with cars that can drive themselves and all the associated tech that goes along with that. it wasn't about assembly lines, parts counts, etc. That's all, nothing more than that. Maybe that wasn't...
  9. RandyS

    Why staggered size 18" wheels front + 21" wheels rear on Cybercab Robotaxi?

    fyi, I have 75K miles on Michelin Defender II tires on my Model 3. The warranty is 75K miles and I have quite a bit of tread left. Why is this? Because I was able to easily rotate tires several times over the life of the tire to even out the wear. As a second comment, I don't want to be...
  10. RandyS

    Video: Cybercab engineer talks design, features, new "Unboxed" production process

    Oh, I don't know. Cars driving themselves, etc etc etc...
  11. RandyS

    Video: Cybercab engineer talks design, features, new "Unboxed" production process

    As more info comes out, we know now that the whole design process was to make the car as efficient as possible for its sole purpose of being a robo taxi. It's really a city taxi-type car, not meant for a driver...No mirrors, no pedals, no steering wheel, less glass, etc. It was an exercise in...
  12. RandyS

    Video: Cybercab engineer talks design, features, new "Unboxed" production process

    Somewhere, Henry Ford is smiling...How his mind would be blown if he could see this...
  13. RandyS

    Why staggered size 18" wheels front + 21" wheels rear on Cybercab Robotaxi?

    I missed your posting. This is on my short list of 3 suggestions for Tesla regarding the Cybercab... 1) Make front and rear wheels the same size. Easier for tire rotations and longer life. 2) Install a charging port, even if it's just L2 only. There will be times when I want to charge the car...
  14. RandyS

    Cybercab price will cost $25,000!

    From what I saw at the 10/10 unveilng event in person, there are only three things I would change on the car... 1) The staggered wheels/tires will make it a little bit more difficult to get good mileage out of the tires (since no rotations will be possible). I would change it to a square 18"...
  15. RandyS

    Ride-hailing app already being tested internally among Tesla employees

    If this news would have been shared at the 10/10 event with the cars, it would have made a very large impact...Maybe they had to pull it because of the medical emergencies that happened and caused them to abbreviate the program...
  16. RandyS

    Cybercab Robotaxi Specs: Price, Production / Release Date, Seats, Doors, Tires, Body, Charging, FSD Hardware, Cargo Space

    I was at the event, and while they didn't want people touching the outside of the cab, someone next to me knocked or rapped pretty hard on one of the open doors. It most definitely did not sound metallic at all, but more like some sort of fiberglass or composite material...
  17. RandyS

    charging rate

    On the Trips screen in the cars, look at the overall efficiency numbers. xxx wh/mile. That is what you should be comparing. As Patrick said above, you won't add miles at the same rate on the different vehicles due to their different efficiencies...
  18. RandyS

    Who is going to Robotaxi Reveal ("Tesla We, Robot" event) on 10/10/24?

    I got an invite, and will definitely be attending. It's only a couple of hours away...Can't wait!
  19. RandyS

    Jailbreak Tesla

    For all those folks who think it isn't wrong to hack paid features into their car for free, just think that it wouldn't be that hard for Tesla to be able to figure it out with all the connectivity the car has. Or if not that way, Tesla could figure it out once they have the car in their...