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I would recommend watching this YouTube video:
from the Tuneko Ltd:s channel which is a Swedish engineering company Tuneko​
whose aim is to design new products based on efficiency.​
In this video, the author explains the choices Tesla made in selecting the specific wheel and tire sizes for the CyberCab based, under the following topics:​
CyberCab Specifications​
Rolling Resistance vs. Diameter​
Rolling Resistance vs.Tire Load​
Wheel Size vs. Consumption​
Rotating Masses​
How the Actual Wheels Look​
Why Bigger Wheels at the Rear​
Possible Problems​
Efficiency Matters​
This video was based on the following studies:​
Tyre modelling for rolling resistance master`s thesis from Chalmers university written by Bharat Mohan Redrouthu​
Guenter Leister presentation concerning W213 E-series Mercedes Benz wheels and tires in WLTP cycle:​
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