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Excuse me, I should have said "rioters", which would be descriptive of conduct; <sarcasm>wouldn't want to hurt someone with words if they want to hurt others with sticks and stones</sarcasm>.
Babylon Bee is a parody site of course; that means everything they say is not information at all - it's a perspective provoking inversion or emphasis on just certain aspects of what it parodies; like political cartoons, almost necessarily "false" if someone imagines that is should be an...
"false information" - being against the narrative doesn't make something false. Witness where Twitter had to backtrack: Hunter's laptop was real, there are credible scientists that say that COVID may well have originated in the Wuhan lab, etc. A LOT more restraint is needed when setting oneself...
For that which is not illegal (such as kiddie porn or conspiracy to commit some crime), it is the right and responsibility of each listener to individually evaluate whether the "speech" is abuse, spam, false, hateful, etc. In practice, a lot of speakers are imperfect like the rest of us, being...
And then there were the Citroen steering wheels: round, but just one heavy spoke at 6 PM. Supposedly the primary advantage was that one couldn't be impaled if some spokes snapped on impact.