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  1. JBee

    Starship Launch - Flight 3

    SpaceX will be launching Spaceship Flight 3 soon, so I thought I'd share some links for people to watch and comment: Official SpaceX link: https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-3ZZ X: https://twitter.com/SpaceX Everyday Astronaut on youtube: NASASpaceflight on...
  2. Concorde launched micro sat.

    So there is this air pressure/vacuum cannon. It could be made much larger. Concorde can fly 2,179 km/h and 18.3km high. It has hydraulic systems to reconfigure the nose. Pressurized fuselage. Cruises at altitudes where air pressure is quite low. Fuselage internal length 39.32 m...