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Speak what you will about his political beliefs and personal antics, Elon Musk is simply the greatest entrepreneur/industrialist of our generation. You are not buying it?! Ask yourself this; what significant contributions have you made for our community, our country, our species, or for our...
Tried it out today for the first time. It works as advertised. Full coverage. Surprisingly easy to fold! I would recommend unfolding and folding while outside of the CT for easeier handling. It is a Texas-size shade ?
I have 3M crystalline windshield tint on my Model Y and I still uses a sun shade while under the scorching Texas summer heat. Zero issues. That's just my personal experience, of course... ?
So, as soon as I saw this post, I placed my order in Amazon with $6 off, there were just a few left and the discount was still in effect. Not sure what'd happen since then...
Great idea! This is what I have on my Cyberbeast. Because I habe installed all of them roughly at the same location and height, I just reach in without "seeing" my handle :geek:
I love my TWRAP's door handle pockets, conter console extension and behind the center screen console. Fits great, definitely increases my Cyberbeast's available cubby spaces.
Thanks TWRAP :geek: