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I think you will find that John is actually a fan of E.V's, confirms he drives an EV, is complimentary of Tesla car's performance and is accurate about Tesla's sales success as selling 1 in 6 EV's.
And is hopeful about EV's future growth.
John : " If over the next 10 years EV's grow tenfold...
Sigh . . . . . When I was much younger, I let go of a Girlfriend with big breasts, I learnt its the overall package that counts. ( haven't you learnt that yet !)
Yeah, that 3mm SS exoskeleton I will lament from time to time, as I lament other things too :cool:
But hang on a minute, I remember...
Yes, It sometimes can be.
But in the absence of a number of fundamental attributes being known, not least of which is price,
it is stupid to make a decision either way !
In the absence of any time constraints, its stupid and unnecessary to rush into a decision.
Only prudent to consider all...
Relaaax hillbilly boy . . . . . . I ain’t fur shurre yet .
Why don’cha go play with the Gimp and your banjo, while I mull it over summ more.
Eenie, Meenie, Mynnie Moe . . . . . :ROFLMAO:
While I still prefer the shape of the Cybertruck, and that brilliant Exoskeleton, a number of functional attributes of the Hummer look very enticing, if not overwhelmingly compelling.
Latest Hummer promotion is out and it looks interesting !
It has a few advantages over the Cybertruck ...
People are entitled to their own opinions, not their own facts.
Fact :
A/ In the U.S. the Death rate is going up, NOT DOWN. Started going back up from about June 22nd
B/ Virus's are not the same, COVID-19 is not the same as the FLU.
Death rate of the FLU is 0.1 %, COVID 19 is approx. 4.5 %...
Nope, the date was March 20 th, Shit was getting real and escalating every day, just like it is right now in 36 U.S. states !!
Particularly in, Florida, Texas and California.
And by the way Florida just set the record for the highest number of cases in a day for any U.S. state, which should mean...
There is zero Elon was right about concerning COVID-19 .
The shutdown was proven necessary and effective by many many countries,
including the Chinese ! (not perfect, but exponentially more effective, than the U.S did )
Who did the most serious shutdown of any country in the world !
A shutdown...
Relax Aj, the man said, “If” , “if, that Shix is true”, while its always good when someone reveals a little truth about themselves, its unfortunate you reveal you have no concern about ethics.
If its your place in the queue that’s so important, you may find you’ll be moving up a lot more than...