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Now if you can get $1 a mile, the first year you could easily pay off the 20 trucks in one year and now you have a paid for cyber fleet. Not everyone is just looking for the cheapest or lowest priced ride. People who make the money want to spend it on the finer things in life. I learned long...
If the lease cannot be purchased in the future , but you must pay a $.10 a mile over it would still be profitable but a purchase might make more sense. In the calculations are based on a $.50 per mile, but a CT would be considered luxury vehicle and would get more than a regular Prius stile cab...
Yeah, very true. Absolutely they are a lot of assumptions as there is no one model we can follow. Will California allow full autonomous vehicles to be driving all around their state? There are so many regulations here that make simple issues that can be resolved, impossible!
Yeah, I totally agree with that. I wouldn’t think they’d want to sell their Taxi technology to anybody else. Elon Musk said he could make $30,000 per vehicle per year with an autonomous driving taxi vehicle. I know that they have already some in San Francisco, Elon Musk said he could make...
At the end of the lease, you would just buy out the vehicles, The Cyber Taxi company would be able to get a loan to finance all Vehicles as it is now a profitable and viable business. Also something to consider if you can get a taxi at $.50 a mile why would you want to own a vehicle? How much...
Even if I had that much money, I would not just buy trucks with it. It does not make financial sense. If you have that much money you’d would not want to just stick it in a savings account. The ideal financial strategy is to diversify your investments, I would never put that much money in one...
I have 29 Ct on order I purchased a CB A couple of months ago, I know I’m waiting on purchasing the rest Until they are able to be my Cyber Fleet and get Pimped out and make me some money My first question is, do you think that Elon will allow the cyber truck to get Robo Taxi feature?.