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How about a support bar that connects to the Vault L-Track and runs the width of the Vault. You can then add a number of them along the bed where needed and place anything on top of them to create a new level.... such as boards for camping.... leave as rails transporting as a second level, and...
1. The dividers would be for those of us that bought (or buy) the tesla under seat storage that no longer comes with any dividers. They would be similar as the ones you have in your picture.
2. This would be like a thin but rigid insert that goes into the storage locker under the vault so that...
As mentioned in some other threads, dividers for the under-seat storage that no longer come with any
Some sort of pirate locker insert so when I want to put ice in there, I can do so easily without having to clean it properly due to all the daily stuff I keep in there like cleaner, cloths etc...