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I know politics are generally a no no but due to things happening that pissed me off and not liking the direction things were headed, I am running for a position on the board of our local electric coop.
Typically I am the type that is perfectly happy being off to the side playing with my toys...
Yes its a bit click baity.
Personally I have always used 5 years as the break even point, guess the grid has gotten cleaner.
Interesting video, covering gas prices of the past, present and speculation as to why they aren't drilling.
One that is more humorous, and dips a little bit into market speculation.
https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/us-energy-facts/#:~:text=In 2020, total U.S. primary,or about 93 quadrillion Btu.
Even if you take just transportation and residential we will need more than...